Monday, July 30, 2007

Further Validation of Low Carb Benefits

In case you need more evidence that diets high in carbs may be a bad idea, check out this quote from Dr. Joseph Mercola at his great web site

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, chances are very good that the excess carbohydrates in your body are, in part or whole, to blame:
  • Excess weight
  • Fatigue and frequent sleepiness
  • Depression
  • Brain fogginess
  • Bloating
  • Low blood sugar
  • High blood pressure
  • High triglycerides

We all need a certain amount of carbohydrates, of course, but, through our addiction to grains, potatoes, sweets and other starchy and sugary foods, we are consuming far too many. The body's storage capacity for carbohydrates is quite limited, though, so here's what happens to all the excess: they are converted, via insulin, into fat and stored in the adipose, or fatty, tissue.

Any meal or snack high in carbohydrates generates a rapid rise in blood glucose. To adjust for this rise, the pancreas secretes the hormone insulin into the bloodstream, which lowers the glucose. Insulin is, though, essentially a storage hormone, evolved over those millions of years of humans prior to the agricultural age, to store the excess calories from carbohydrates in the form of fat in case of famine.

Insulin, stimulated by the excess carbohydrates in our overabundant consumption of grains, starches and sweets, is responsible for all those bulging stomachs and fat rolls in thighs and chins.

If you want to read this whole article, check it out here. And be sure to poke around over there for some other helpful and healthful advice on a variety of topics. I like this guy's no nonsense style.


Anonymous said...

Isn't Mercola's site great! I find that I know when I'm eating too many carbs because the fatigue and tiredness is horrible.

Hi! I'm Adele... said...


I got to your blog through your comment from the Short Girl Low Carb blog by Melodie! She and I became friends through the Kimkins group, now are forging our way through the weight loss jungle together! You have a lovely blog, I will read it often!

Scale Mistress said...

Thanks, Adele.

And Welcome!

DD Jameson said...


That is such a coincidence. I just read your blog. Great minds think alike.