Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What's Your Story, Scale Mistress?

Hey there.

If you've followed me over from my other blog... welcome. And if you are new to my musings... well, hugs to you as well.

Here's the scoop. Back in April of this year, I started on this quest to once again, shed myself of some unwanted pounds...well, ok... 40 unwanted pounds. Having had some success in the past with low carb programs, I decided to try Kimkins which is a low carb/low fat program. I was more than a little skeptical but I've had great success and to date, I've lost 32 pounds. I'm in the home stretch now with only about 10 more to lose. This has always been my quest for the single digit size. I'm one size away.

The other blog was about the journey on Kimkins. But now I am so close to goal and I'm starting to actually think of myself as a thin person (and one who doesn't cry getting dressed in the morning) that I decided to embark on this new blog and share just how I'm going to keep my girlish figure AND the single digit size.

A little background. I'm 42, married 12 years, mother of twin 6 year olds, a bit of a computer geek and opinionated as hell. Oh, and I have a weakness for chocolate ice cream and oreo cookies. The last two items are obviously what got me into trouble but the opinionated part does that sometimes too.

Next month, I'm headed off on an 8 day cruise with my extended family. This really was the kick in the pants that got me started dieting. Knowing that I would have to put on a bathing suit AND face my family was enough to keep me off of chocolate ice cream and oreos for a while.

I've come to realize that low carb living is the answer for me. There is a wealth of information out there and I will do my best to share what I pick up along the way. I don't profess to be an expert but I know that I'm not alone and with information comes power.

I promise to poke fun at myself often. Feel free to do the same. I will post links to other blogs and links to products I believe in. If you have something to add... please share.

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