Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Event Driven Goals
Have I ever successfully dieted without an event driving it?
Let's see.
The last time I lost 40 pounds low carbing, it was for my 20th high school reunion. I was one of the planners of the event so choosing not to go wasn't an option. And you know how things like that are. Afterwards, all anyone remembers is which girls got fat and which guys are losing their hair. If you've ever been to a reunion, you know that I'm only exaggerating a little.
In any case, I was determined not to go to the reunion in a size 16 dress (as if we wear the dress size on the OUTSIDE of the dress, right?). So in January of that year, I set out on Atkins and by November I had taken off 40 pounds as was down to a size 10....Where I stayed for about 5 minutes before I went back to eating the way I'd eaten before. Not immediately. But a little bit here, a little bit there and before I knew it, 30 of those 40 pounds had crept back on.
So fast forward a few years to this year and the now-infamous cruise I'm going on next month. Once again, my motivation for this life change was not being the fat girl in the family cruise photos.
And I jumped back on the low carb bandwagon. It worked before, it can work again.
I had that date circled on the calendar as the driving force to "get there" by THAT DATE.
OK, so don't get me wrong. I am jumping-out-of-my-skin-happy that I've taken off these 33 pounds. But I have a number in my head that I'm trying to reach and that would mean losing another 7 pounds (or at least 5 more) in the next 2 weeks. And rationally, I know that may not happen.
So am I a failure for not reaching my "event driven" goal?
Of course not. (she says with some conviction).
But I sure feel a little like one. And even as I type those words, I know how RIDICULOUS it sounds to even THINK that.
I mean I've lost 33 pounds. THIRTY THREE. And even if I don't lose another ounce before the trip, I can proudly say that I lost 33 pounds and went down nearly 4 dress sizes. I am thinner now than I think I've been my entire adult life. I have more energy and feel like I am closer than I've ever been to the size I'm supposed to be.
But the true test of my success will not be the weight I've lost to get here but how well I keep it off after my trip. And that's the event we should all be driving towards.
Stay tuned for (a little) less of me.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Further Validation of Low Carb Benefits
If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, chances are very good that the excess carbohydrates in your body are, in part or whole, to blame:If you want to read this whole article, check it out here. And be sure to poke around over there for some other helpful and healthful advice on a variety of topics. I like this guy's no nonsense style.
- Excess weight
- Fatigue and frequent sleepiness
- Depression
- Brain fogginess
- Bloating
- Low blood sugar
- High blood pressure
- High triglycerides
We all need a certain amount of carbohydrates, of course, but, through our addiction to grains, potatoes, sweets and other starchy and sugary foods, we are consuming far too many. The body's storage capacity for carbohydrates is quite limited, though, so here's what happens to all the excess: they are converted, via insulin, into fat and stored in the adipose, or fatty, tissue.
Any meal or snack high in carbohydrates generates a rapid rise in blood glucose. To adjust for this rise, the pancreas secretes the hormone insulin into the bloodstream, which lowers the glucose. Insulin is, though, essentially a storage hormone, evolved over those millions of years of humans prior to the agricultural age, to store the excess calories from carbohydrates in the form of fat in case of famine.
Insulin, stimulated by the excess carbohydrates in our overabundant consumption of grains, starches and sweets, is responsible for all those bulging stomachs and fat rolls in thighs and chins.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Turning a New Page
Initially my goals were really to drop about 40 pounds and wear a single digit size in time for my big vacation next month. But that's truly just the tip of the iceberg.
Did I need to drop the weight? Absolutely. (you've seen the pictures!) But the bigger issue (pardon the pun) was that I needed a long term solution to the ongoing struggle I've had with my weight.
As many of you may know from reading my other blog, I travelled down the Kimkins road back in April and embarked on a low fat/ low carb diet that helped me lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time. And as I've said before, no one was more surprised than me. I am down 33.5 pounds and now wear a 6 or an 8. A size I have not been probably since junior high.
Lately, however, I've done some careful consideration on whether this was a long term solution to my issues. And the answer was a resounding "no". A few weeks ago, I started digging around and asking a bunch of questions about maintenance on Kimkins (which seems to be made up as it goes along) or maintenance on Atkins. Or some other mutation. I figured that if I did enough digging, I would come up with an answer that made sense to me and the way I live.
It's that work in progress thing again.
Ironically, I think that once I started thinking this way, I started eating more Atkins-like anyway. I increased my fat intake and as a result my calorie count... and I still continued to lose weight. I am living a low carb life in a way that makes sense to me.
Add to that, the fact that I've been doing my own bit of research and been reading the blogs of several people who's opinions I trust (see the links on the right) and we all seem to be reaching these same conclusions.
So, somewhere in this whole mess is a tweaked version of a low carb life that works for me. It may take me a little while to figure out exactly what that is, but it is my new quest to do so. I've gone and re-read Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution. Read a few other low carb books on the market and reserved Atkins for Life from the local library. I'm doing my best to (re)educate myself and make decisions that are not just about that single digit size but about long term choices that will keep me there.
Yesterday, I started a new exercise regime...(translated: I started exercising at all!) I have a hand me down Fitness Flyer (like a Gazelle). I did 10 minutes last night (no easy feat, I assure you). And then 10 more minutes this afternoon. Trying to work my way up to 30 minutes without killing myself or losing my enthusiasm.
And tomorrow, I will do it again as well as I embark on an Atkins-like Induction to try and get the last few remaining pounds off before my trip which is less than 3 weeks away.
Stay tuned for less of me...and a better me. Will you join me?
Great Low Carb Recipes
I'm always looking for ways to make things interesting and yummy. If you are too, be sure to check out her blog. I'm sure you'll find something you like.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
It's all a conspiracy, I tell ya!
I did a little shopping for my upcoming trip at Kohl's. I really just wanted to pick up a few things since I obviously don't' have anything in my new size.
Ironically, everything I picked up was only available in 12s and 14s (my OLD sizes). All I wanted was a few pairs of shorts, maybe a pair of capris and a NEW bathing suit.
Ultimately, I did find what I was looking for in shorts and capris but struck out on the bathing suit front.
I just found it incredibly funny that when I was a 12 and a 14 and a 16, all I saw on the rack were's 6s and 8s. And now that I'm a 6 or an 8, all I find are 12s and 14s.
It's a conspiracy, I tell ya! Good thing there are still 3 weeks before the trip!
Stay tuned for less of me.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Insulin Resistance, Supplements and the Low Carb Diet
Such has been the case with me over the last few months while I work to take off this weight.
Several people have asked me why I have pursued a low carb diet instead of a low fat one.
A- I've tried the low fat ones (like WW) and they don't work for me long term. and
B- 42 years on the planet have taught me that low carb works for me in coping with more than just the number on the scale.
In 1996, I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and while I seem to have a mild case of it (but serious enough that it kept me from getting pregnant without the involvement of teams of experts). But once I learned this, I latched on to that piece of knowledge with all of my might and found out everything I could about it and what was in my power to do with that knowledge. One of the key factors is that most women with PCOS are Insulin Resistant and at the risk of oversimplifying... if you are insulin resistant, you respond better to a low carb diet in the quest to lose weight.
Another little consolation prize for being insulin resistant is that it's often also referred to as "pre-diabetic" And while I don't (now) have any of the symptoms one usually associates with Diabetes. I did develop gestational diabetes when I was pregnant so I've been warned that this is something that may come up again later on.
Gee, thanks.
You would think that with this knowledge, I would have immediately gone on a low carb diet... but I didn't. I was a little slow on the uptake. I lost 40 pounds in 2003 but almost instantly gained most of it back when I went "off my diet" and went back to the bread, pasta, chocolate ice cream and oreos that have been my downfall.
But now I have latched on and taken to it like a fish to water. (let's see how many cliches I can fit into one blog post).
There is no lying that I feel better...who wouldn't with 33 less pounds to carry around. But I also realize that if I plan to stay this size, then low carb has to become a permanent part of my life.
A Way of Life, as they say.
And I'm constantly tweaking this life of mine. What works for a while, doesn't work forever. So that will mean that I must constantly try new ways to make low carb work for me.
This week's thing I'm latching on to is supplements. I NEVER thought I'd ever be saying this but I think I need to take more vitamins.
There was a time when a bottle of multi-vitamins would sit in my cabinet for so long (because I'd forget to take them regularly) that eventually I'd have to throw them out because we weren't even still in the same calendar year as the date on the bottle. Sad, I know.
But NOW... I'm taking my multi-vitamin religiously along with a calcium supplement and a dose of chromium picolinate... because I read that it works to increase the efficiency of insulin to optimal levels. AND I'm investigating what else I should be taking (like Omega-3 and a few others). What has happened to me??
And perhaps "investigating" isn't the right word... I'm obsessed. I find myself following every link I can find on the correlation between low carb diets and nutritional supplements not to mention asking every low carb acquaintance, expert and friend "what are you taking?", "how much?", "how often?" and "why?"
I know what you're thinking... "why not just call your doctor and ask him, Scale Mistress?"
Because that would involve calling him, making an appointment and seeing him. And while I don't really have a thing about going to the doctor like some people do, I just can't seem to find the time.
Again... you're thinking "get off that darn computer and pick up the phone."
And you would be right. But where's the fun in that?
I think I'll go see what else I can find so...
Stay tuned for less of me.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Before and After
I am continuing to tweak my low carb program. I can no longer really say that it is strictly Kimkins but it's also not quite Atkins either. Perhaps I need to just wean myself off one onto the other. Or perhaps there is some gray area in between that will be the right combination for me. I increased my calories and fat content and hope to get down to 142 by the end of the week. We'll see.
In the meantime, I continue to scour the web looking to pick the virtual brains of other low carbers and gain some insight for the long haul. I've found some great resources that I will continue to add to the links on the right. Check them out if you too are looking for answers. And take a look at that "before" picture and you will see what happens when I forget the low carb lifestyle. It's not pretty.
I think perhaps I need to carry that picture around in my wallet or post it on my fridge as a constant reminder of what will happen if I get sloppy.
In the meantime, stay tuned for less of me.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Who's that pretty girl in that mirror there?
My husband found a merchandise credit in a drawer from Lands End that I can't even remember how I got. Well, Sears sells Lands End but I can't use the credit in the store...only online.
So off to Sears I went...to try some things on.
After the size 8 jeans experience the other day, I picked up a few things in an 8 but once I was in the fitting room, found that two of the items were actually a 6. Which I didn't notice until I had them ON. A SIX, are they kidding? Must be a fluke.
I quickly tried on something else in a 6...and it fit too.
How can this be? When I look in the mirror, I see the same person I saw 3 months ago. More or less. This is the same person who was squeezing into a 14. Is Lands End trying to play some cruel joke on me or it is possible that I am really a 6? or an 8? Whatever. I don't really care which.
Kind of makes me want to wear a big freakin' sign that says "yes, these pants are a 6!" But no one would care but me...and perhaps a few friends and family who know how hard I've struggled with my weight.
Next, I ventured to the (gasp) bathing suits. Lands End carries these great tankini separates that are actually cut for grown ups. I picked up a size 10 top (because, ironically, I couldn't find one smaller) and a 6 bottom. And yes, the 10 was too big and the 6 fit perfectly. I'm seriously still in amazement that the size 10 top was too big. I'm standing the fitting room thinking...."they must've labeled this wrong"... or "some bigger girl tried it on and stretched it out."
But what if that's not it?
What if I really am that size?
Why don't I see it?
I mean, I know what the scale says. I know that I've lost 33 pounds. And I know how badly the clothes in my closet fit me...so why am I having so much trouble accepting what is staring me in the face in that fitting room.
When will my brain catch up with my body and see what is staring me in the face?
A thin person.
Stay tuned for (a little) less of me.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Defining Diet Success

Note: I'm double posting this entry on both blogs because I feel it's relevant in both places.
It seems that I may indeed have reached my goal of the single digit size despite not yet having reached my goal weight.
As I mentioned in the last post, I can now fit into a pair of size 8 shorts but I was skeptical (surprise, surprise) that this was really my size. After all, women's sizes being what they are...is one size 8 the same as another?
And since I didn't think I owned anything else in an 8 to make a fair comparison, I figured that I would just keep doing what I was doing until the last of the weight came off. Hmm.
But I found a pair of jeans buried in my closet that I swear must be 15 years old. They are undoubtedly my "skinny" jeans. The labels inside is from the Limited and says size 7/8. Good Lord, when was I EVER a 7/8?? But I do recall wearing them and I suppose I've held onto them all this time as the measurement of "if I could only get into these..."
But I did...and without effort.
So does that mean that I am done? I honestly don't think so. I still feel like I want/need to lose 5 or 10 more pounds. I'm weighing in now at 144.5...down from the 177 that I was in early April. I'd really like to get down to 135-137 and then settle somewhere around there. I know it's only a number but I'd really like to get below 140 and stay there.
Decisions. Decisions.
I set out for the single digit size. And now I'm here. But obviously that 's just not good enough. I want that bit of cushion before I settle in on what my lifetime goal weight will be.
So stay tuned for (a little) less of me.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
The tools to track what we eat while on a diet
I've tried several of them so I thought I'd share what I've learned.
First let me say that whichever one you choose... CHOOSE one. Every successful dieter I know finds some way to keep track of things. At WW, they used to say "don't think that if you don't write it down, it doesn't count." And they are right. It's easy to "forget" about that one cookie or extra serving of something if you don't write it down.
The reward is that if you write it down (or in my case...type it in), you can not only see where your shortcomings are...but also where you succeeded. When I'm having trouble getting over the latest hurdle, I will look back a few days to see "what did I eat?" Or go back to a week that was exceptional and say "how can I make that happen again? What do I need to eat?"
SparkPeople (a funny name for a really outstanding weight loss site) has not only a good food tracker but a wealth of other tools as well. Their food tracker has a large database of foods to choose from that also includes fast food items as well as the usual things you will find in your fridge. SP will also let you track other nutrients if you need to. So if you are especially worried about sodium or cholesterol (more than the rest of us), then one check to a box adds it to the nutrient it tracks for you. What I really like about SP is that it is a great source of information about all areas of dieting. They don't care what program you are following. They also have an active message board and a place to start your own journal. The fitness section gives you suggestions on exercises specific to your goals, lets you track your calories burned and even has video demonstrations to show you the right way to do things. Bottom line is that SP does a fabulous job of covering ALL the bases of dieting and fitness without being preachy and best of all, they do it for FREE. Can't beat free, right? Oh, and if you are motivated by a points system, SP also gives you points for things you do on the site and when you reach various goals (not all of them scale oriented). So it's a fun little way to feel like you are getting somewhere instead of measuring your success only by the number on the scale. (WOW, did I really say that?)
FitDay is another great food tracker that I first learned about when I started Kimkins. Nearly everyone on the Kimkins boards uses fitday. The upside of fit day is that it's really easy to navigate for the food tracker. One caveat however about fit day, is that the default portions sizes are sometimes a little dumb. For instance, choose balsamic vinegar and the default portion size is a LITER. EWW! When in my life would I EVER need to log a liter of vinegar. So if you use fitday and the numbers look out of whack, check your portion sizes and edit accordingly. They also have handy charts and graphs if that is your thing. The fitness area is just OK and I think they try to cover the other bases but not as well. Their food tracker is their strongest feature. If you want more bells and whistles, you can pay extra for the paid version of their software but with other things out there, I don't really see the point.
Someone on the Kimkins boards recently pointed me to The Daily Plate which also has a great food tracker. You can sign up for a free membership which gives you the food tracker, some goal setting and permissions to post on the message boards. For $29.99 more, you can get a paid membership for 6 months which (again) gives you some more bells and whistles. What I really like about TDP is their database of foods because it includes just about EVERY brand out there. Because sometimes there is a difference between the Oscar Meyer turkey bacon and the Jenni-O variety and you might not have that package right in front of you. However, I've had some buggy problems with logging into TDP that are just plain annoying. It works fine on my computer at work but at home, I cannot seem to log in. I'm pretty computer savvy so I've tried all the obvious (to me) things to fix the problem but so far, no luck. A few generous people on the boards have tried to help but I'm still having problems. It's turning me off to the site (perhaps unfairly) because I'm basically impatient and I just want the darn thing to work without issue. Again... it could just be me so YMMV.
They all
- have large databases of food.
- Will track your weight.
- Will give you some way to track your exercise.
- Give you a way to manually enter foods not in the list and to keep a running list of those food you eat often.
Fitday has no water tracking. But the others do.
I've tried them all and I think that if you want an all inclusive site with a good food tracker, articles, message board, water tracker, goal tracking and fitness info, go with SparkPeople. But if all you want is the food tracker, you'd be safe with fitday.
As a funny little side note, I have to say that I started out using SP about a year ago and switched to fitday but now that I'm reading my own blog post, I think I'll switch back. Guess I'd gotten into such a habit with fitday, I didn't remember how much I liked SP until I started writing. Apparently, I've swayed myself.
If you know of others, please share.
Stay tuned for less of me.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
What's Your Story, Scale Mistress?
If you've followed me over from my other blog... welcome. And if you are new to my musings... well, hugs to you as well.
Here's the scoop. Back in April of this year, I started on this quest to once again, shed myself of some unwanted pounds...well, ok... 40 unwanted pounds. Having had some success in the past with low carb programs, I decided to try Kimkins which is a low carb/low fat program. I was more than a little skeptical but I've had great success and to date, I've lost 32 pounds. I'm in the home stretch now with only about 10 more to lose. This has always been my quest for the single digit size. I'm one size away.
The other blog was about the journey on Kimkins. But now I am so close to goal and I'm starting to actually think of myself as a thin person (and one who doesn't cry getting dressed in the morning) that I decided to embark on this new blog and share just how I'm going to keep my girlish figure AND the single digit size.
A little background. I'm 42, married 12 years, mother of twin 6 year olds, a bit of a computer geek and opinionated as hell. Oh, and I have a weakness for chocolate ice cream and oreo cookies. The last two items are obviously what got me into trouble but the opinionated part does that sometimes too.
Next month, I'm headed off on an 8 day cruise with my extended family. This really was the kick in the pants that got me started dieting. Knowing that I would have to put on a bathing suit AND face my family was enough to keep me off of chocolate ice cream and oreos for a while.
I've come to realize that low carb living is the answer for me. There is a wealth of information out there and I will do my best to share what I pick up along the way. I don't profess to be an expert but I know that I'm not alone and with information comes power.
I promise to poke fun at myself often. Feel free to do the same. I will post links to other blogs and links to products I believe in. If you have something to add... please share.