Monday, October 22, 2007

It All Counts

Creep. Creep. Creep.

That's the sound of extra pounds magically appearing when I have banished them from my body.


Admittedly, I have been struggling the past month or so with staying on track but today the scale jumped into the 150's as if by magic.

OK, maybe not magic.

Have I been careful about what I put in my mouth? NO.
Have I consistently tracked what I'm eating? No.
Have I been exercising regularly? No.
Have I been sneaking an Oreo here and there? Sadly...Yes.

So who is to blame but me? No one.

Which got me thinking about those universal truths about dieting.
If you don't write it down it doesn't count.
If no one sees you eat it, it doesn't count.
If you eat standing up it doesn't count.
If you just have a "taste" it doesn't count.
If you eat it straight out of the box/jar/container it doesn't count.

Even if you are standing at the counter. Or eat if off your child's plate so it doesn't go to waste. Or in this case it just goes to "waist"

It counts on the scale whether someone saw you eat it or not.

It counts if you eat the Oreo out of the bag in the fridge...especially when you dip your hand in there repeatedly during the day.

It counts if you just put the spoon straight into the jar of peanut butter or (worse) the pint of ice cream.

And it counts if you eat those nuts by the handful...or two or three.

Am I alone in this or have a struck a nerve?

So before my weight takes off like a runaway train, I'm going to start with a few new universals.

This week, I will eliminate those "special foods" that I know are a trigger for me to over do it. Peanuts, Peanut Butter and of course, the dreaded Oreos. (This week's shopping trip will include cookies for my kids that I can stay away from.) I know that if I can just stay away from those three things, then I will have a successful week and get back on track.

And that is really what it is all about. Staying on track and accepting the fact that I am not perfect and will occasionally have to kick myself in the head to be reminded of that. My new favorite blog over at Cranky Fitness, had this to say about that. She's a scream so check it out.

What are your trigger foods? And what do you do to stay away from them?


Crabby McSlacker said...

Great post--I tend to laugh about the way certain foods "don't count"--until the calories pile up and I have to get serious again.

My most recent temptation, that I finally had to ban from the house (temporarily), was dark chocolate covered almonds. Tasty, arguably nutritious--but I couldn't stop with just a few.

And thanks for the shout out! Really like your blog.

Anonymous said...

Would it kill your kids if you didn't buy any cookies this week?

I'm not being judgmental - heck, I just bought brownies for the in-laws. One of the hardest lines to walk with low-carb is how much you expect other people to tag along. I mean, brownies aren't health food for anyone, and I certainly didn't have to buy them for the 'rents-in-law. On the other hand, I don't expect everybody on the earth to follow a LC diet just 'cause it works for me.

I say, skip the cookies, just this week. You can put up with one week of whining, can't you? :)

Glad I stumbled upon you!

Scale Mistress said...

Thanks Crabby and Migraineur for stopping by.

Migraineur, I see your point. And I'm certain it wouldn't kill my kids to go without cookies for a week. But that's a hard habit to break when you are six. :) Oddly enough, if the cookies are not Oreos then I don't feel the gravitational pull to scarf them up.