Friday, September 7, 2007

8 things about me

Before my trip, Melodie Gale at Short Girls tagged me for 8 things about me. Seems like the whole low carb community has been tagged lately so I will not be tagging anyone else in this... for now.

But here goes...

I have lived nearly all of my life in the New York Metropolitan area (with a brief exception of 4 years in college in Buffalo). And as a result, I have a secret admiration for those who are courageous enough to pick themselves up and leave everything they know to go and live somewhere else.

I'm an amateur genealogist (because I obviously need MORE reasons to be on the computer). I have successfully traced a branch of my husband's family back to the 1300s and King Edward III. I always knew my husband was a prince, but I had no idea....

I love planning events and entertaining in my home. I have worked as an event planner and planned both my 10 and 20 year HS reunion (yes, I'm that old!)

As a kid, I desperately wanted to be a dancer...more specifically, I wanted to be an Ernest Flatt Dancer. They were the dance troop on the old Carol Burnett show. (I'm sure that no one remembers them but me!)

I've never eaten a PB&J sandwich. Really. Peanut Butter, yes. But not with Jelly. In fact, I don't think I had a Peanut butter sandwich until I was in my 20s. (I think I drank coffee before I had a PB sandwich!) My mom doesn't like peanut butter, so she never fed it to me either. But as sacrilegious as it might be, the thought of those two flavors together just doesn't inspire me to run out and make one..... But I do make them for my kids.

I consider myself a pretty staunch Democrat and I take voting very seriously... at more than just the national level. I've always voted but the current administration and 9/11 changed everything regarding my trust in my leaders.

I love to do needlepoint and cross stitch but I'm terrible about finishing projects. As a result I have at least two unfinished projects in a bag in the closet. I just get to that point where you put the finishing detail work on it and I get bored. I'm going to work on that.

I'm a bit of a gadget geek. While other women long for a piece of jewelry or an expensive pair of shoes...I drool over the latest iPhone, digital camera or handheld. (although I do have a bit of a weakness for handbags...but I think if I bring one more home, my husband will divorce me.)

So I guess that's it. 8 random things about me. Do you all feel like know me better now?


Anonymous said...

Funny enough, one of the things I'm going to treat myself to when I take my next 'break' is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!
But for now...wa wa wa...
Congrats on your recent goal! Sounds like you're doing great! I think when I took a Caribbean cruise on my honeymoon about 9 years ago, I probably packed on like 10 or 12 pounds--ridiculous!!
Nice meeting ya--from one NY'er to another!;-)

Scale Mistress said...

Hey Adam-
Thanks for stopping by.It's a constant battle, as you know. But we have to fight the good fight, right?

DD Jameson said...

One other thing we have in common. I am totally hooked on genealogy. Between blogging and genealogy, I think I'm becomming a laptop borg. Pretty soon we'll be connected. LOL

The 1300's, that's pretty darn good detective work!

Scale Mistress said...

Go back far enough and I guess we are all connected. But I've found that (as opposed to my people), the Christians keep pretty good records. Must be all those family bibles floatin' around. :)

The Contessa said...

Hey! Looking good Lady!!!

I am most surprised by the PBJ one. The rest made sense.

I've recently gotten involved in my family geneology too... I discovered my Clan in Scotland and have been suckered in ever since!