Monday, September 3, 2007

Getting Back into Sync

Getting back on track after a vacation is never easy.

After all that great food on the cruise it would be OH, so easy to slip back into old patterns but we all know how that story would end.

So in the week since I've been back, I've done my level best to pick up where I left off. I jumped back into eating (mostly) the right foods and to a regular regime on the Fitness Flyer.

That said, I'm still having a difficult time with snacking and not resorting to too much of a good thing. Don't get me wrong, I haven't resorted to Oreos and Chocolate ice cream. But I am dipping a bit too much into the peanut jar and other assorted lower carb evils.

So, it's back to basics for me. I know that I do better when I write it all down. It keeps me honest. And ever a sucker for a new online I found My Calorie Counter which is a (fairly) new FREE diet tracking tool which has some really great features in addition to the usual food tracker things. They have a message board, some handy calculators and some interesting articles. But the features I like best are the handy charts and graphs. On a daily basis you can see how you are progressing with your nutritional needs for the day. Or maybe I just have a weakness for cool looking charts and graphs. (Geek...yes, I know!). Whatever the case, check it out if you are like me and find these types of things useful tools in your weight loss quests.

My initial goal of course is to quickly take off the 8 pounds I came home with. With one week since I got home, I've already taken off 2 so there is only 6 to go. And once past that, I'd still like to lose a few more. I don't want to spend my life living on this fence between goal and over goal. I think I'd like to get down to 130 but we'll see how I feel when I get to, say, 135.

Off Topic:
It appears that I may lose my job in the not so distant future. A big re-org has been underway at the company I work for and they are consolidating locations. So I came back from vacation to the news that it will be more of a "when" not an "if" for me and my department.

So far, I'm not terribly worried about finding another job. I have marketable skills and have already been combing the want ads. But I am not looking forward to the stress of job hunting. I truly hate when things that directly concern me are out of my control and hate sitting by the phone waiting for it to ring. (I was horrible at dating too for the same reason!)

Oh, and so she doesn't think I'm ignoring her... before I left, Melodie Gale over at Short Girls tagged me. So I promise to write the 8 things about me post in the next few days (which I know you are all DYING to read!).

I finally feel back in the saddle so... stay tuned for less of me.


Unknown said...

I use for the great graphs and for my carb/etc logging.

Amy Dungan said...

Getting back in the saddle is tough. I've been there way too many times (should I even publicly admit that? lol)

I know how you feel about the job asd well, we are looking for better employment for my hubby. I hate the whole job hunting process. Hope you find the perfect job soon! :0)

Anonymous said...

Oh my husband just went thru a company "reorganization" a few years ago. It can be stressful but you have such a great outlook. Motivation after a vacation is so hard to get back but you you are right it's so imp to get right back in the saddle!